50 Funny Writing Puns

Ever tried to make a writer laugh? Sometimes it’s all about the “write” punchline! Delve into our collection of 50 hilarious writing puns that’ll have you giggling from title to epilogue.

Whether you’re a best-selling author or a passionate journal keeper, these writing-themed chuckles are just the type to tickle your funny bone.

Writing Jokes

Best Writing Jokes

 Let’s start with a twist of words and a splash of humor. Here are 20 writing jokes to tickle your literary funny bone!

  1. Why did the writer go to the bank? To check his balance!
  2. I’m reading a book on anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down.
  3. Why did Shakespeare write with a quill? Because pencils were pointless!
  4. My new thesaurus is terrible. Not only that, but it’s also terrible.
  5. I told my diary my secrets. Now it’s my journal-ist!
  6. Why did the author always carry a notebook? In case they stumbled upon a novel idea!
  7. I tried writing with a broken pencil. It was pointless.
  8. The past, present, and future walked into a bar. It was tense.
  9. Have you heard about the author who wrote on windows? It was clear writing!
  10. Why did the comma break up with the apostrophe? It was too possessive.
  11. “I’m writing a novel about a pencil.” “That sounds dull!”
  12. The writer had a bout of tinnitus. It was ringing prose!
  13. Why did the verb break up with the noun? She felt like he just wasn’t direct enough.
  14. How do you comfort a grammar teacher? “There, their, they’re…”
  15. I once wrote a story about amnesia. But I forgot how it goes.
  16. I stayed up all night to see where the sun went… and then it dawned on me.
  17. Why did the author get in trouble? For using too many ellipses…
  18. Ever read a book about Stockholm Syndrome? It starts off badly, but by the end, you really like it.
  19. “I’ve written a book on penguins.” “Does it fly?” “No, but it waddles off the shelf!”
  20. How do you organize a writer’s party? You “plot” it!

Hope these bring a smile to your face and a spark to your pen! Happy writing!

Writing Puns

Writing Puns

  1. Novelist do well because they plot ahead.
  2. Punctuation saves lives. Let’s eat, Grandma vs. Let’s eat Grandma!
  3. I’m reading a book on anti-gravity. It’s lifting my spirits.
  4. Writers have the write to remain silent.
  5. That manuscript sure is novel!
  6. Dictionaries are so wordy.
  7. Editors are just sentence enhancers.
  8. Writing with a broken pencil is simply pointless.
  9. When a clock writes, it goes through timeless prose.
  10. Did you hear about the kidnapping at the library? It’s okay; he woke up.
  11. I’m reading a book about adhesive – can’t put it down!
  12. Pen thieves are just ink-siderate.
  13. When grammar rules go bad, they turn into comma rebels.
  14. My favorite writer is Edgar Allan Prose.
  15. Ever tried to annoy a writer? It’s a novel way to pass time.
  16. Don’t spell part backward. It’s a trap!
  17. E-books have their pros and cons.
  18. The dyslexic poet always writes inverse.
  19. Dialogue tags said, “We’re important too!”
  20. The frustrated calendar wanted its days to be numbered in words.

Pen mightier than the sword? With these puns, it’s also funnier! Keep writing and laughing.

Writing One Liners

Writing One Liners

  1. A writer’s favorite key is ‘delete’ – it’s where new beginnings are just a click away.
  2. Every book is just a remix of the dictionary.
  3. I write, therefore I am… often in need of coffee.
  4. In a world full of trends, I want to remain a classic manuscript.
  5. Writers live many lives; readers live them all.
  6. My two moods: “Can’t stop writing” and “Can’t start writing.”
  7. Reality called, but I was busy writing fiction.
  8. Words are the currency of thoughts; spend them wisely.
  9. I’m on a strict writing diet – 1,000 words a day.
  10. Writing: where staring into space is a legitimate part of the job.

Final Thoughts

Embrace the power of the written word, one line at a time. Whether it’s puns, jokes, or one-liners, writing is the art that keeps us giggling and pondering.

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